It's been said that the signs of a truly great game are addictiveness and loss of time. This game has this and more. It's the marriage breaker, the time taker and the fist maker.
I picked this game up a few few weeks ago and immediately after install and game start, this sucker had literally stolen 3 hours from me in seconds flat, or so it seemed to me anyways. Now, I've played pretty much all the Civilizations and it has always impressed me with its balance of game play and intrigue. Hard to imagine that Mr Sid could just on keeping rolling this game along and not fumble somewhere along the line. Nope. Even at number 5 it still continues to impress and awe me. For those of you familiar with Civilization IV or Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, this game is like an old cherished friend with new stories to tell.
For those of you unfamiliar, Civilization V places you as the leader of one of several playable nations,America,Arabia,Aztecs,Babylon,China,Egypt,England,France,Germany,Greece,India,Iroquois,Japan,Mongolia,Ottoman,Persia,Rome,Russia,Siam and Songhai, and starts you out in 4000 BC with nothing more than a settler to build your first city with and a single warrior unit. From there, you must work to build a civilization, winning by means of conquest, science, culture, or diplomacy.
This time around, they've improved the grid to Hexagon based and it works surprisingly well. Whatever nation you decide to assume, you start out with 1 little Hex and work out from there with your 1 settler and 1 warrior. I know, sounds intimidating but just because this is a turn-based game, it doesn't mean it won't move fast. You quickly build city buildings, roads, trade routes, armies and the occasional diplomacy with neighbouring factions. And like I said at the beginning, it quickly turns ridiculously addicting once you've established you territories as the hunger for lands is in you now and all must be consumed, Mwuhahaha!
But remember, this game advances through the ages, 4000 BC through to Golden Ages and the modern age. So don't bring a Pikeman to a B52 bomber fight.
Overall graphics are amazing and runs pretty good on just a duo core with mid range ATI cards. Controls are pretty similar to the rest of the Civs and the learning curve on this one is pretty lean. So don't be afraid to pick this one up and give it a try folks. But if you have little time, family or friends, well...they might not see you for awhile. Enjoy my friends Enjoy.